
The one showing three storm cells is dramatic and stitched together from four drone shots. It looks like holes open up in the cloud and the rain pours out of it. The buildings in the distance are downtown Orlando.


I really liked Peru. Very interesting country. I got a great hair cut in a back street shop where no-one spoke any English (or French or German) so there was a lot of hand gesturing before the barber used what looked like sheep shears on me.

I had one guide who was very educated and interesting but who pronounced “tourism” and “terrorism” the same way. So when she was telling my about the different areas of Lima and their history and reasons why or why not to visit them it was a little confusing.

I did get tear-gassed when I got caught between the army and protestors though.  Partially my fault. If someone in an army uniform ever tells you to run, I suggest you do.


A couple of black and white shots from London. I love what the pigeons are sitting on. The shot of Trafalgar Square with Big Ben in the background was taken from the steps of the National Gallery. The black and white look makes it seem much older than the photograph is. One of my favorite pubs “The Chandos”, is just out of site to the left.

New Orleans

These are some black and white film shots from back in the day when I developed film and printed by hand. I liked printing in the darkroom. Fiber paper was my favorite. I think black and white photography will be around forever in a specialist and niche way – in the same way that horse and buggies still exist for certain situations.

Personally I think our brains process black and white images differently that color ones. For the first 99.95% of our 3.7 billion year evolution the only time a purely black and white image would be seen was under moonlight. Night time is a scary time and requires special visual attention for survival. Those who were better at it had more chance of survival and I think some remnants of that evolution are still with us because there is now no reason for that DNA to be selectively removed. Just my theory.